Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio
Professor Emeritus: HDFS, COAMFTE-accredited MA & PhD MFT Programs
Professor Emeritus, Retired, September, 2018
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY – APA Accredited Counseling Psychology Program
University of Massachusetts: Amherst. Massachusetts. USA
University of Massachusetts: Amherst, Massachusetts. USA
Bristol Hospital Family Therapy Training Institute: Bristol, Connecticut. USA
MASTERS OF ARTS – Rehabilitation Counseling/ Education
University of Connecticut: Storrs, Connecticut. USA
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE – Human Development Summa Cum Laude
University of Massachusetts: Amherst. Massachusetts. USA
Connecticut Licensed Psychologist: #001596
Connecticut Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist: #000082
AAMFT Approved Supervisor Designation
Dr. Rigazio-DiGilio’s scholarship agenda focuses on cultural, contextual, integrative, and multidisciplinary proficiencies / competencies in the domains of theory building, model development, training, and supervision and the clinical adaptation of culture and context centered research instruments for interactive assessment and treatment in individual, couple, family, and network therapy. Her work to advance a Systemic Cognitive-Developmental Therapy Model and corresponding supervisory approach is recognized as addressing cultural and community issues, and as organizing traditional and contemporary models while keeping cultural and contextual factors in the forefront of therapy and supervision. Since 2000, she also has been working to identify and operationalize cultural, contextual, integrative, and multidisciplinary competencies and corresponding pedagogical and supervisory methods for the preparation of MFT scientist/practitioners and supervisors. Dr. Rigazio-DiGilio presents and publishes widely on all of these topics and has co-authored a book on Community genograms: Using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients.
Systemic Cognitive-Developmental Therapy and Supervision
Multicultural Foundations in Marriage and Family Therapy and Supervision
Cultural, Contextual, Integrative, and Multidisciplinary Proficiencies in MFT Training and Supervision
Clinical Adaptation of Culture / Context-Centered Instruments for Interactive Assessment and Treatment
Families Living Through the Dying Process – Children’s End of Life Phase
* indicates student or graduate co-author
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Ivey, A. E., Kunkler-Peck, K. P.*, & Grady, L T. (2005) Community genograms: Using individual, family and cultural narratives with clients. New York: Teacher’s College Press, Columbia University.
Book Translation
Kang, H.* (2017) Korean translation of Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Ivey, A. E., Kunkler-Peck, K. P.*, & Grady, L. T. (2005) Community genograms: Using individual, family and cultural narratives with clients. New York: Teacher’s College Press, Columbia University. Korean Translation Copyright © 2017 by Pak Hak Sa., Seoul, Korea.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. & Ivey, A. E. (2019). The developmental counselling and therapy interview. In O. Hargie (Ed.). The handbook of communication skills. Fourth Edition. (pp. 531-556). NY: Routledge.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2016). MFT supervision: An overview. In K. Jordin (Ed.), Couple, marriage, and family therapy supervision (pp. 25-50). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. & Kang, H.* (2015). Using Community Genograms to position culture and context in family therapy. In M. Stauffer & D. Capuzzi (Eds.). Fundamentals of couples, marriage, and family counseling (pp. 25-52). John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., & Rohner, R. P. (2015). Interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory and clinical applications. In E. Kourkoutas, A. Hart, & A. Mouzaki (Eds.), Innovative practices and interventions for children and adolescents with psychosocial difficulties and disorders (476-515). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publications.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2014a). Supervising couple and family therapy practitioners. In C. Watkins & E. Miline (Eds.), The Wiley international handbook of clinical supervision (pp. 622-647). London, U.K. Wiley-Blackwell.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2014b) Common themes across systemic integrative supervision models. In T. Todd & C. Storm (Eds.), The complete systemic supervisor: Context, philosophy, and pragmatics, Second Edition (pp. 231 – 254). John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., & Ki, P.* (2013). Resilience relative to Korean families, In D. S. Becvar (Ed.), The handbook of family resilience. (pp. 245-266). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S., & McDowell, T. (2013) Family Therapy. In M. Spiegler & J. Frew (Eds.), Contemporary psychotherapies for a diverse world, First Revised Edition (pp. 415-458). Routledge / Taylor & Francis Publishers.
Rigazio-DiGilio. S. A. (2012). Basic foundations of family counseling and therapy: Theoretical foundations and translations to practice. In A. Ivey, M. D’Andrea, M. Ivey, & L. Simek-Morgan, Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A multicultural perspective, Seventh edition (pp. 623-670). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Cheatham, H., Ivey, A., Ivey, M., Pedersen, P., Rigazio-DiGilio, S., Simek-Morgan, L., & Sue, D. (2002). Multicultural counseling and therapy I: Metatheory – Taking theory into practice. In A. Ivey, M. D’Andrea, M. Ivey, & L. Simek-Morgan, Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A multicultural perspective, Fifth edition (pp. 291-328). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. (Authors listed alphabetically.)
Cheatham, H., Ivey, A. E., Ivey, M. B., Pedersen, P., Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Simek-Morgan, L., & Sue, D. W. (2002). Multicultural counseling and therapy II: Integrative practice. Chapter in A. Ivey, M. D’Andrea, M. Ivey, & L. Simek-Morgan, Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A multicultural perspective, Fifth edition (pp. 329-362). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. (Authors listed alphabetically.)
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2001). Postmodern theories of counseling. Chapter in D. C. Locke, J. E. Meyers, & E. L. Herr (Eds.) The handbook of counseling (pp. 197–218) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2001). Videography: Re-storying the lives of clients facing terminal illness. Chapter in R. Neimeyer (Ed.), Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss (pp. 331-344). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2000). Reconstructing psychological distress and disorder from a relational perspective: A systemic, coconstructive-developmental framework. Chapter in R. Neimeyer & J. Raskin (Eds.). Constructions of disorder (pp. 309-332). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., & Cramer-Benjamin, D.* (2000). Families with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and other childhood challenges. In W. C. Nichols, M. A. Pace-Nichols, D. S. Becvar, & A. Y. Napier (Eds.), Handbook of family development: Dynamics and therapeutic interventions (pp. 415-438). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Kang, H.* & Rigazio-DiGilio S. A. (2023). Ecosystemic resilience relative to an increasing population of unwed mothers in Korea. The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, 28(2), 299-327.
Kang, H.*, Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Super, C. M., & Halgunseth, L. C., (2022). Resilience and well-being of Korean unwed mothers: A moderated mediation model.. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Ki, P.*, Rohner, R. P., Britner, P. A., Halgunseth, L. C., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2018). Coping with remembrances of parental rejection in childhood: Gender differences and associations with intimate partner relationships. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(8), 2441-2455.
Froude, C. K.*, Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Donorfio, L., & Bellizzi, K. (2017). Contextualizing the young adult female breast cancer experience: Developmental, psychosocial, and interpersonal influences. The Qualitative Report, 22(6), 1488-1510.
O’Brien, N. L.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., (2016). Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual supervisees’ experiences of LGB-affirmative and non affirmative supervision in COAMFTE-accredited training programs. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 28 (4), 115-135.
Baker, L. K.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2013). Evaluation of a spiritually based child maltreatment prevention training program. Counseling and Values, 58, 3 – 22.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2012). Developmental therapy and systemic cognitive-development therapy: Postmodern implications and beyond. The Japanese Journal of Microcounseling, 7, 1, 2 – 25.
Ivey, A. E., Ivey, M. B., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2011). Developmental counselling and therapy: A brain-based approach to counselling and therapy. Counselling Australia, 11-17.
Ivey, A. E., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2009). Developmental counseling and therapy: The basics of why it may be helpful and how to use it. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 4 (32), 1-11.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2000). Relational diagnosis: A constructive-developmental perspective for assessment and treatment [Special Edition: New Developments in Relational Therapy. M. Goldfried (Ed.) & J. Magnavita (Guest Ed.)]. Journal of Clinical Psychology/ In Session: Psychotherapy in Practice, 56, 1017-1036.
Anderson, S. A., Cochran. M. C.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2000). Family therapy trainees: Evaluations of their best and worst supervisory experiences. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 26, 79-91.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (1998). Toward a reconstructed view of counselor supervision. Invited commentary on special section: Reconstructing counselor education: supervision, teaching, and clinical training revisited. T. Sexton (Section Coordinator). Counselor Education and Supervision, 38, 43-51.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Gonçalves, O. F., & Ivey, A. E. (1996). From cultural to existential diversity: The impossibility of an integrative psychotherapy within a traditional framework. Applied and Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives. 5, 235-248.
Anderson. S. A., Rigazio-DiGilio S. A., & Kunkler, K. P.* (1995). Training and supervision in marriage and family therapy: Current issues and future directions. Family Relations: Journal of Applied Family and Child Studies, 44, 489-500.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Anderson, S. A., and Kunkler, K. P.* (1995). Gender aware supervision in marriage and family therapy: How far have we actually come? [Special Section: Gender Issues in Counselor Education. P. Stevens-Smith, Section Coordinator]. Counselor Education and Supervision, 34, 344-355.
Froude, C. K.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2015). Women’s healthcare experiences across the young adult breast cancer continuum: Retrospective perceptions of medical and social support networks. Research presentation for the Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Gurman, M. S.*, Ki, P., Rohner, R. P., Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., & Ruan, C-C.* (2014). Asian American intimate partner relationships. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection. Chisinau, Moldova.
Ki, P.*, Rohner, R. P., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2012). How do they do it? Coping with perceived rejection. Research presentation for the Society for Cross-cultural Research. Las Vegas, NV.
Donoghue, J.*, Rigazio-DiGilio, S. & Thurston, K.* (2010). An initial investigation of the clinical application of Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory measures in relational therapy, assessment, and treatment. Workshop presented at the Third International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection. Padua, Italy.
Ivey, A. E., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2009). Microcounseling and DCT: Today and beyond. Keynote Address for the 25th Japanese Association of Clinical Psychology Convention. Tokyo Convention Center. Tokyo, Japan.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (Chair and Organizer), Borders, L., Ellis. M., Mattell, P. & LaPlante, D. (2008). Interdisciplinary explorations on advancing cultural and contextual competencies. Invited Panel Presentation for the Fourth Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the University of Buffalo. Amherst, NY.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2007). Towards the operationalization of cultural and contextual competencies in clinical supervision: A marriage and family therapy model. Invited Plenary Session for the Third International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the University of Buffalo. Amherst, NY.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2007). Systemic Cognitive-Developmental Supervision: Accessing and extending meaning and options within the supervisory exchange. Invited workshop for the Third International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the University of Buffalo. Amherst, NY.
Hynes, K.*, Bischoff, T.*, Heafner, J.*, Kang, H.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. (2017). Desiring an exchange of knowledge: A thematic analysis of practitioners’ experience with research. Research Poster for the 2017 NCFR Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Froude, C. K.*, Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A., Donorfio, L., & Bellizzi, K. (2016). Contextualizing the young adult female cancer experience. Research poster presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Denver, CO.
Green, H. D.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2014). Factors impacting HBU student decisions to pursue MFT. Research poster presented at the Annual American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
O’Brien, N. L.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2014). LGB affirmative and non-affirmative supervision experiences. Research poster presented at the Annual American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference. Milwaukee, WI.
Ki, P.*, Gürmen, S.*, Rohner, R., Rigazio-DiGilio, S. & Ruan, C-C.* (2013). Partner and parental acceptance and psychological adjustment of Asian Adults in the US. Research Poster presented at the Annual NCFR Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Ki, P.*, & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2013) Honoring diversity: Multicultural MFT supervision. Poster presented at the Annual AAMFT Conference. Portland, OR.
Ki, P.*, Rohner, R. P., & Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2012). How do they do it? Coping with perceived rejection. Research presentation for the Society for Cross-Cultural Research. Las Vegas, NV.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2010). Using community genograms in family therapy and in wider system consultation for the 2010 AAMFT/SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program’s Bi-Annual Cultural Competence-Substance Abuse Training Conference. Alexandria, VA.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. & LaPlante, D. (2009) Supervision refresher course. Invited Pre-Conference Institute for the Annual AAMFT Conference. Sacramento, CA.
Rigazio-DiGilio, S. A. (2005) Community Genograms: Exploring culture and context in therapy. A refereed, three-hour presentation for the 63rd Annual American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference. Kansas City, MO. | |
Phone | 860-486-2095 |
Mailing Address | 348 Mansfield Road, Unit 1058 Storrs, CT 06269-1058 USA |