Early Childhood Specializations

The Early Childhood Specializations within Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS) prepares students for impactful careers working with young children and their families across diverse settings. Through specialized coursework, students gain the knowledge and skills to support early learning, development, and well-being in various professional roles, including:

  • Early Childhood Educators & Professionals
  • Home Visitors (e.g., Early Head Start, Family Resource Centers)
  • Birth to Three/Early Intervention Specialists
  • Therapy-Focused Disciplines (Speech & Language, Occupational, or Physical Therapy)
  • Infant Mental Health Specialists
  • Health & Mental Health Specialists in early childhood settings
  • Child Life Specialists
  • Early Childhood Policy & Advocacy Leaders

With a strong foundation in HDFS, students are equipped to make a lasting difference in the lives of young children and their families, shaping the future of early childhood education, intervention, and advocacy.

Attend a Virtual Information Session to learn more

Follow this link to sign-up for one of these sessions this Spring!

Getting Started in Early Childhood Specializations

Who should apply?

HDFS majors/minors completing their 3rd semester (or later) that are interested in careers working with young children and families.

What is needed before students apply?

  • Declared HDFS Major/HDFS Minor
  • GPA 2.7 through the 3rd semester
  • Suggested before getting started: Successful completion of HDFS 1070 and HDFS 2100, and experience with young children.

Application Timeline(s):

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, with priority given to those submitted by the dates below. We encourage early submission to ensure full consideration but will review applications until the last day of each semester. This allows time to meet with an ECS faculty advisor before enrolling in courses for the following semester. 

  • Priority Fall Application submission by October 15th (to begin Spring semester)
  • Priority Spring Application submission by March 15th (to begin in Fall semester)**

**Please note: Stamford and Waterbury students only begin the ECS program in Fall semester.

Submit an Application:

Students can submit their application directly from the ECS webpage.  Once the application has been submitted online, students will be contact via email by the ECS Student Coordinator/Faculty Advisor to schedule an application meeting with an ECS faculty to talk about the ECS program and begin the advising process.

Early Childhood Specializations Application

Submit your application for Early Childhood Specializations using this link:  Early Childhood Specializations Application

Specialized Coursework in HDFS

Students majoring or minoring in HDFS can join Early Childhood Specializations (ECS).  Students can choose one of two pathways within HDFS for ECS - Early Childhood Development or Early Childhood Development & Education.  Each pathway includes a core set of HDFS classes that have been identified to best support students pursuing careers working with young children, their families and within the communities in which they learn and develop.

Early Childhood Specializations Curriculum Map for Early Childhood Development or Early Childhood Development & Education Pathways

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Fieldwork and Practicum Opportunities

Using model early care and education classrooms as the primary training sites, students use observation and reflection to hone their abilities to develop meaningful learning experiences for children from ages 8 weeks to 5 years.

Reflective Practices

A hallmark of the Early Childhood Specializations is the use of practices that encourage students and faculty to use reflection and mindfulness in the process of learning, interacting, and problem solving. Embedded throughout the courses and practicum, reflective practices provide support to students to achieve knowledge and skills that promote early childhood development. Reflective practices support students to be intentional in their interactions with young children: compassionate, self-aware, and curious about themselves in relation to children. Through assignments and class discussions, students are invited to explore their own experiences of childhood and play, and how those past experiences inform and shape their present interactions with children.

NAEYC Program Accreditation

Our Early Childhood Specializations (ECS) program is dedicated to preparing skilled and compassionate educators for young children. We are currently engaged in the self-study process for accreditation of higher education teacher preparation programs by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This process reflects our commitment to continuous improvement, high-quality instruction, and the development of professionals who will positively impact early childhood education. Stay connected for updates as we work toward this important milestone!

Early Childhood Specializations Faculty

Rachel Chazan Cohen

Rachel Cohen, Ph.D.
Director of Early Childhood Education and Early Intervention
Associate Professor

Anne Bladen

Anne Bladen, M.A.
Teaching Faculty

Headshot, Mary Tabb Foley

Mary Tabb Foley, M.A.
Student Coordinator Early Childhood Specializations
Teaching Faculty

Headshot, Kyla McRoy, Assistant Professor in Residence and Coordinator of the Early Childhood Specialization (ECS)

Kyla McRoy, Ph.D.
Student Coordinator Early Childhood Specializations
Instructor in Residence (Stamford Campus)

Caitlin Lombardi

Caitlin Lombardi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences

Headshot, Cora Megan

Cora D'Alessandro, M.A.
Student Coordinator Early Childhood Specializations
Instructor in Residence (Waterbury Campus)