Shannon E. Weaver

Associate Professor

Educational Background:

Ph.D, Human Environmental Sciences, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia, Major areas of study: Family Studies with a concentration in Gender, 2000

M.S., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1997

B.S., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia, Major area of study: Family Studies, 1995


Research Interests:

Family Interaction; Family Theory; Family Rituals; Gender; COVID-19’s Long-term Impact on Individual and Relational Well-being; Remarriage and Stepfamilies.


Selected Publications:

* Denotes student author.

Book Authored:

Weaver, S. E. (2018). Introduction to individual and family development. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning. ISBN: 9781680756333

Monographs, Chapters, and Articles:

Weaver, S. E.  & Farina, R. *G (2023). Wedding Rituals. In J. Hartenstein (Ed.), Marriage and divorce in America: Issues, trends, and controversies. ABC-CLIO.

Weaver, S. E. & Shen, T.*G (2023). Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. In J. Hartenstein (Ed.), Marriage and divorce in America: Issues, trends, and controversies. ABC-CLIO.

Weaver, S. E. & Shen, T.*G (2023). Styles of love. In J. Hartenstein (Ed.), Marriage and divorce in America: Issues, trends, and controversies. ABC-CLIO.

Weaver, S. E. (2023). Financial implications of marriage. In J. Hartenstein (Ed.), Marriage and divorce in America: Issues, trends, and controversies. ABC-CLIO.

Weaver, S. E., Sharp, E. A., & Britton, C.*G (2020). (Re)Honoring the legacy of Jessie Bernard: An analysis of junior scholars’ outstanding feminist family scholarship. Journal of Family Issues, DOI: i10.17.7/0192513X20913065

Weaver, S. & Farina, R.*G (2020). Blessings and burdens: Reconceptualizing family rituals to include consideration of human and economic costs. Family Focus, 83, 8-9.

Sharp, E., Weaver, S. E., & Zvonkovic, A. (2017). Introduction to the special issue: Feminist framings of sexual violence on college campuses. Family Relations, 66(1), 7-16.

Sharp, E. & Weaver, S. E. (2015). Feeling like feminist frauds: Theorizing feminist accountability in feminist family studies research in a neoliberal, postfeminist context. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 7(3), 299-320.

Weaver, S. E. & Coleman, M. (2010). Caught in the middle: Mothers in stepfamilies. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(3), 305-326.


Selected Presentations:

Johnston, C.A., Weaver, S. E., & Weiser, D. (August 2022). Changes in satisfaction and sexual infidelity: The pandemic effect. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research, virtual conference.

Johnston, C.A., Lookabaugh, S. & Weaver, S.E. (May 2022). Just a good night’s sleep: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parent and child sleep quality. Routines during Covid-19. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Groves Conference on Marriage and Family, Nassau, Bahamas

Johnston, C.A., & Weaver, S.E. (March 2022). The Interplay of Parental Overload, Support, and Children’s Routines during Covid-19. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA

Weaver, S. E., Zvonkovic, A. & Ballard, S. (November 2021). Co-Presider and Organizer. Emotion regulation and social support in the time of Covid-19: Influence of and impact upon individual and family processes and mental health. Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Johnston, C., Weaver, S., Zvonkovic, A., & Harcourt-Medina. (November 2021). “It’s been a rough year:” Can emotion regulatory cognitive and behavioral strategies moderate the impact of chronic and increasing overload on parents’ mental health. Paper presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Shen, T.*G & Weaver, S. E. (November 2021). The direct and indirect influence of parental support upon satisfaction in emerging adults’ romantic relationships. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Adamsons, K., Weaver, S.E., Petron, R., & Randles, J. (November 2021). Masculinity, #MeToo, Feminism, and Genderqueer: Theorizing Gender in a Gender Expansive World. Workshop presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop.

Weaver, S. E., Johnston, C., Zvonkovic, A., Perry, N., Van Schagen, A. (April 2021). Children’s behavioral patterns during Covid-19: Relation to parental overload, emotion regulation, and emotion work. Poster presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting.

Sharp, E. & Weaver, S. E. (November 2020). Single singles: No need to mingle? Paper presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Sharp, E., Weaver, S. E., & Zvonkovic, A. (November 2020). Co-Chair and Organizer. #MeToo/Time’s Up/Title IX on college campuses: Engaging those in positions of power and vulnerability. Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Weaver, S. E. & Farina, R.*G (November 2020). Reconceptualizing family ritual theory and research to include examination of human and economic costs. Paper presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Theory Construction and Research Methodology Workshop.

Sanner, C.,* Weaver, S. E., & Coleman, M. (November 2017). Issues of power and control for women in stepfamilies. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.

Sharp, E., Weaver, S.E., & Zvonkovic, A. (November 2015). Preconference co-chairs. Eradicating Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Putting Patriarchy in its Place. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference.


Headshot, Shannon Weaver
Contact Information
Phone860 486 4684
Mailing Address348 Mansfield Road Unit 1058 Storrs, CT 06269-1058 USA
Office Location215 Family Studies Bldg