Annamaria Csizmadia receives Teaching Fellow Award

Annamaria CsizmadiaDuring her time at UConn, Associate Professor Annamaria Csizmadia has received 3 different grants for teaching (from the Honors Core Course Grant Competition; General Education Course Enhancement and the Provost’s Academic Mini-Grant Competition). In the past 5 years, she has taught 31 sections of 6 different courses, as well as supervising students in field experience, undergraduate and graduate research practicum, honors theses, and masters theses. In the words of one of her former students, “Dr. Csizmadia is a once in a lifetime professor. She has the ability to turn a classroom into a life changing experience that challenges and inspires her students to reach and achieve greatness. I know her teaching methods are only successful because of her! Her humanistic approach, supportive nature, her natural ability to provide clarity, and her enthusiasm for teaching is unbeatable. To all of her students, she is more than a professor. She is a motivator, a woman of inspiration, a mentor, an educator, and a friend. I feel that I write on behalf of all Dr.Csizmadia’s students when I say we want to express our unconditional support for Dr. Csizmadia’s nomination.”

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