Internship Program

HDFS 3080/3090 (internship; 3 credits): A fantastic opportunity to get real-world experience for HDFS majors and minors!


Benefits of Internships:

From this professional development and networking experience, students report growth in the skills and knowledge necessary for future employment opportunities and/or postgraduate education, including:

  • Direct application of theory and research
  • Meeting professional workplace expectations
  • Developing self-understanding, self-discipline, maturity, and confidence

In settings such as:

-law offices -childcare centers -public schools
-state government offices - human resources departments -private businesses
-child advocacy centers -nursing homes -elder advocacy centers

and more!


What does this experience look like?

Over the course of the semester students complete 112 hours of internship experience (8 hours/week on site). They also meet once a week (50 minutes) with the other students enrolled in the seminar to discuss the week’s activities and how the theory and research covered in their coursework applies to their internship work experience.

Internship Enrollment Process


Step 1: Check Eligibility and Prerequisites

  • Who? Junior; 2.50/4.00 GPA. HDFS majors, Gerontology minors, and HDFS minors.
  • Course Prerequisites: HDFS 2001 (Recommended) and 15 credits of 2000 level of higher HDFS courses. Students must complete HDFS 3080 Fieldwork before enrolling in HDFS 3090 Internship. Instructor consent required if prerequisites are not yet met: If you do not meet these prerequisites, email the instructor to see if, based on your other experiences, you might be granted a permission number to enroll.

Step 2: Locate an Internship site and Supervisor

Step 3: Fill out the Internship Application

Reaching out to a potential internship supervisor – Tips, Tricks, and Templates!

Writing to a potential supervisor can be daunting! Whether by email or by call, this step may be intimidating. Below is some information that may help reduce stress and anxiety and get you in the right mindset.


  1. Know that your request is important and that your education is important! Your request is legitimate!
  2. You are not “bothering” anyone. You are allowed to have space here and it is part of their job to respond to requests for collaboration. In fact, they may be excited to know that students are interested in working with them!
  3. Remember that you have something to offer as well – this is a mutual exchange, not them doing you a favor.


Now that you have this mindset, it’s time to reach out! What should you say though? While this cannot speak to everyone’s specifics, here are some useful details that may be helpful to include in any exchange:


  1. Your name and the fact that you’re a student
  2. Your year in education (e.g., junior, senior)
  3. Your degree (Human Development Family Sciences)
  4. The name of the University
  5. The reason you’re reaching out
  6. Explanation of what this means
  7. A way for them to return your request (number, email, link, etc.)
  8. Thank them for their time and consideration


You may also want to include information about your experiences and reasons for why you’d like to complete your internship with the organization in which the potential supervisor is employed.


If you can, reach out by email first. In some settings, this will be the director or manager of the program. If you cannot find their email, use the general email provided. If you cannot find an email, or if you email the potential supervisor, but do not hear back within 2 days, call the organization and request to speak with the potential supervisor. Mention their name if you can. Keep track of who you speak with should you not be able to reach them and try again after 2 days if you do not hear back sooner.


If you would like to have something more concrete to follow, here are some templates:

Email Template

Phone Script

Phone Call Tracker

Attachable Flyer