Associate Professor Beth Russell was featured in UConn Today for recent research on COVID-19 and stress. Read the article here.
Linda Halgunseth co-writer of article in the Providence Journal
Associate Professor Linda Halgunseth co-wrote a piece in the Providence Journal on COVID-19 and children’s wellbeing. Read the article here.
Steve Wisensale’s Opinion letter posted in New York Times
Emertius Professor Steven Wisensale had an Opinion letter posted in the NY Times related to Coronavirus.
Sara Harkness & Charles Super’s research quoted in Atlantic article
Professor Sara Harkness and Professor Charles Super’s research on Dutch and American child-rearing was recently quoted in an article by Kate Julian in the Atlantic entitled, “What happened to American childhood?”.
Rebecca Puhl featured in Englemed Health News
Professor Rebecca Puhl featured in Englemed Health News.
Rebecca Puhl’s research in MDEdge, Huffington Post, The Amed Post
Professor Rebecca Puhl‘s research featured in MDEdge on understanding and combatting weight bias in teens, Huffington Post on differential workplace benefits of being overweight by gender, and in The Amed Post.
Vida Samuel featured on Babe With the Power Blog
Assistant Professor in Residence Vida Samuel is featured on Babe With the Power Blog
Ryan Watson recipient of SRA research award
Assistant Professor Ryan Watson is the recipient of the 2020 Early Career Research Award, Society of Research on Adolescence. Although the conference was cancelled so we couldn’t share in the celebration together, this award is a huge honor only awarded every other year, and thus a large accomplishment.
Rebecca Puhl quoted in the Daily Mail and ABC Spain
Professor Rebecca Puhl was quoted in articles in the Daily Mail- Calling Overweight People Fat or Lazy Must Stop Because Stigma is ‘Blocking the Fight Against the Obesity Epidemic,’ Experts Say; and ABC Spain- El estigma: el principal enemigo de la obesidad
Rebecca Puhl’s research featured in multiple articles
Professor Rebecca Puhl’s research on body acceptance was featured in: US News and World Report, The Great Body Acceptance Debate, and PressForm.