
Laura Donorfio receives Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award

Laura DonorfioDonorfio- UConn Alumni Faculty Teaching Awards 2019Congratulations are in order for Associate Professor Laura Donorfio, who on October 3, 2019 received the Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (Undergraduate Level) as part of the UConn Alumni Faculty Excellence Awards.  This is a university-wide award and a huge accomplishment – and is on top of the two teaching awards that Laura received from CLAS and from CETL last year.

(Photo on Left: Laura Donorfio, PhD.  Photo on right: 2019 UConn Alumni Faculty Excellence Award recipients, from left to right: Kevin E. McEvoy, PhD;  Laura K.M. Donorfio, PhD;  Kuman S. Venkitanarayanan, PhD; Harry van der Hulst, PhD)