Professor Rebecca Puhl discusses weight bias in article entitled, “Daily on Healthcare: Fighting against weight discrimination in the workplace” in the Washington Examiner.
Rebecca Puhl interviewed in articles in Diabetic Living and HR Dive
Professor Rebecca Puhl was interviewed in the article Overcoming Weight Hate for the summer issue of the magazine Diabetic Living, and for an article on legislation to address weight discrimination for HR Dive.
Laura Donorfio receives Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award
Congratulations are in order for Associate Professor Laura Donorfio, who on October 3, 2019 received the Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (Undergraduate Level) as part of the UConn Alumni Faculty Excellence Awards. This is a university-wide award and a huge accomplishment – and is on top of the two teaching awards that Laura received from CLAS and from CETL last year.
(Photo on Left: Laura Donorfio, PhD. Photo on right: 2019 UConn Alumni Faculty Excellence Award recipients, from left to right: Kevin E. McEvoy, PhD; Laura K.M. Donorfio, PhD; Kuman S. Venkitanarayanan, PhD; Harry van der Hulst, PhD)
Rebecca Puhl discusses obesity discrimination & weight stigma
Marlene Schwartz featured in local podcast & MSN article
Professor Marlene Schwartz was featured in the Farmington Valley Podcast Network talking about food policy, and in MSN discussing restaurant’s calorie labeling.
Rebecca Puhl quoted in Deseret News and PsychCentral
Professor Rebecca Puhl was quoted in an article written for Deseret News in regard to obesity as a disability, and another article in PsychCentral discussing self-criticism about weight.
Rebecca Puhl quoted in Penn Medicine News
Professor Rebecca Puhl was quoted in an article entitled, “Early and Ongoing Experiences of Weight Stigma Linked to Self-Directed Weight Shaming” in Penn Medicine News. Read the article here.
Marlene Schwartz podcast on Eating Matters, Heritage Radio Network
Professor Marlene Schwartz was interviewed in a podcast called Food Policy Primer, on Heritage Radio Network.
HDFS faculty & grad students will present at APA conference
One HDFS faculty and four HDFS graduate students will give presentations at the APA (American Psychological Association) 2019 convention, August 8-11, in Chicago, IL. See attached list of those presenting.
Marlene Schwartz quoted in UConn Magazine and Stowe Today
Professor Marlene Schwartz was quoted in an article in Stowe Today entitled, Vermont is right to fight USDA’s dismantling of nutrition standards, and was also quoted in UConn Magazine on taxing soda in hopes of improving children’s health.