
Alaina Brenick receives grant from Potsdam University

Alaina BrenickAssociate Professor Alaina Brenick received a grant titled, Development and evaluation of a school-based intervention program to promote a sense of belonging, well-being, and achievement amongst culturally diverse students from the Antrag auf eine Kooperationsförderung, “KoUP 1” zur Förderung von Kooperationen mit Universitäten in den Schwerpunktregionen USA und Russland (Grant to Promote Cooperation with Universities in Priority Regions of the USA and Russia), Potsdam University.

The grant is a collaboration between Drs. Maja K. Schachner and Linda Juang of Potsdam University, Germany, Adriana Umaña-Taylor, Harvard University, USA, and Alaina Brenick, University of Connecticut, USA.  Congratulations Alaina!