Veronica Hanna-Walker

Human Development and Family Sciences


Current Program:

  • University of Connecticut:
    • Ph.D. Human Development and Family Science
    • Area of Specialization: Child and Adolescent Development
    • Entered the Program: Fall 2020
    • Major advisor: Eva Lefkowtiz


    Allsop, D. B., Price, A. A., Hanna-Walker, V., Leavitt, C. E., Milius, E. H., Driggs, S. M. (in press). Longitudinal associations between attachment, differentiation of self, and couple sexual and relational outcomes. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.

    Leonhardt, N. D., Busby, D. M., Hanna-Walker, V., & Leavitt, C. (2020).

    Sanctification or Inhibition? Religious Dualities and Sexual Satisfaction. The Journal of Family Psychology.

    Busby, D., Hanna-Walker, V., & Leavitt, C. E. (2020). A kiss is not just a kiss: Kissing, sexual quality, attachment, and sexual and relationship satisfaction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.

    Busby, D., Hanna-Walker, V., & Yorgason, J. (2020). A closer look at attachment, sexuality, and couple relationships.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

    Busby, D., Leonhardt, N. D., Leavitt, C. E., & Hanna-Walker, V. (2019).  Challenging the standard model of sexual response: Evidence of a variable male sexual response cycle. The Journal of Sex Research.   

    Scholarship in Progress

    Lawrence, S. E., *Walters, T. L., *Clark, A. N., *Zhang, Y., *Hanna-Walker, V., *Farina, R. E., & Lefkowitz, E. S. (2020). LGBTQ+ college students’ social distancing practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Connecticut.

    Hanna-Walker, V.  & Busby, D. M. Beliefs about Sexuality and their Associations with Sexual Passion. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Connecticut.

    Hanna-Walker, V., Busby, D. M., Leavitt, C. E., & James, S. L. A missing piece of the puzzle: Distinguishing between sexual meanings and motivations. [Manuscript submitted for publication].

    Busby, D. M., Jeffery, N., Hanna-Walker, V. Parental sexual passion styles and parent-child communication about sex. [Manuscript submitted for publication].

    Hanna-Walker, V. & Busby, D. (in preparation).  “Sex is about power”: Sexual initiation predicting marital power in heterosexual couples.    

    Busby, D., Hsin-Yao, Chui, & Hanna-Walker, V. (in preparation). Matched or mismatched parental conflict styles: Associations with adult children’s couple relationship outcomes.

    Conference Presentations 

    Leonhardt, N. D., Busby, D. M., Hanna-Walker, V., Kim, J. J., Willoughby, B. J., & Impett, E. A. (2020, October). Orgasm discrepancies in mixed-sex couples: Insights from dyadic response surface analysis. Poster accepted for presentation at the Canadian Sex Research Forum, Waterloo, ON.

    Busby, D., Hsin-Yao, Chui, & Hanna-Walker, V. (2019, November). Matched or mismatched parental conflict styles: Associations with adult children’s couple relationship outcomes. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations conference in Fort Worth, TX.

    Busby, D. & Hanna-Walker, V. (2018, November). Exploring possible mediators between attachment and relational outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. \

    Doyle, D. L., Hanna-Walker V., & James, S. L. (2016, April). Household nucleation and child well-being in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference. Provo, UT.

    Invited/Guest Lectures

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2019). Research on LGBTQ+ individuals. MFHD 695R “Research on Sexuality”, Brigham Young University.  

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2019). Theory of Mind. MFHD 611 “Advances in Human Development”, Brigham Young University.

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2018). Sampling Techniques. MFHD 691 “Graduate Research Methods”, Brigham Young University.

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2018). Pros and Cons of Different Types of Birth Control. SFL 395R “Healthy Sexuality”, Brigham Young University.

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2018). Reintroducing Eroticism. SFL 395 “Healthy Sexuality”, Brigham Young University.

    Hanna-Walker, V. (2017). Basics of Sampling. SFL 290 “Critical Inquiry and Research Methods”, Brigham Young University.

    Professional Experiences

    • Identity Development Over the Lifespan (IDOL) Research Team (December 2019-Present)
      • Advisor: Kristin Anders and Erin Yelland
      • We are conducting a systematic literature review regarding sexual self-concept and sexual self-schema at various points across the lifespan
      • Prepare manuscripts and conference presentations
    • Sexual Wholeness Model (January 2020 – Present)
      • Advisor: Dean Busby
      • To better understand the physical, emotional/relational, and meaning/spiritual aspects of sexuality in relationships, we are collecting data from 1,000 individuals.
      • Created and validated a new measure that assesses individual’s comfort with the physical aspects of sex.
    • General Meaning of Sex (September 2019 – January 2020)
      • Advisor: Dean Busby
      • We are collecting data from 1,000 participants to create and validate one of the first general meaning of sex scales.
      • Created the new general meaning of sex measure, combined measures to make the survey, sought approval from the college Institutional Review Board, cleaned data, and performed analyses.
    • Sexual Transition to Marriage (April 2017-February 2020)
      • Advisor: Dean Busby
      • We are conducting cross-cultural interviews with men and women in different and unique cultures to gain a better understanding about the sexual transition to marriage.
      • Conducted, transcribed, and coded many qualitative interviews.

    American Families of Faith Project (July 2017-September 2017)

    • Advisor: Loren Marks
    • Coded numerous qualitative interviews for an article on how family and personal prayer is a positive family process.
    • Parental Differential Treatment (September 2016 – January 2020)
      • Advisor: Alex Jensen
      • Meta-analysis on Parental Differential Treatment (PDT)
        • Coded over 100 articles to help gain a better understanding of how different scholars are measuring PDT, what vocabulary is being used, and what different types of PDT are being observed.
      • Media (September 2016-December 2016)
        • Advisor: Sarah Coyne
          • Ran content analysis on over 100 songs listened to by adolescents who were participating in a study on the influence music can have on individuals.
        • Experimental Research
          • Ran an experiment on how different lyrics about body image (e.g. positive, negative, and neutral) from music videos influenced the perception of one’s own body image with over 30 participants.
        • Meta-analysis on Media and Sleep
          • Coded numerous articles for a meta-analysis on how different types of technology is associated with lack of sleep and other health outcomes.
        • Teaching Assistant
          • SFL 395R “Healthy Sexuality” (September 2017-December 2017)
          • SFL 160 “Introduction to Family Processes” (January 2017-April 2017)
          • SFL 290 “Critical Inquiry and Research Methods” (September 2016-April 2017)
    Veronica Hanna-Walker
    Contact Information