The following students received HDFS Graduate Student Awards:
Best Published Paper Award: Ellen Pudney. Ellen Pudney is first author of the journal article titled “Distressed or not distressed? A mixed methods examination of reactions to weight stigma and implications for emotional wellbeing and internalized weight bias”, published in 2020 in Social Science & Medicine.
Best Conference Presentation Award: Hilal Kuscul. Hilal Kuscul is recognized for her sole-authored poster on “Masculinity and fatherhood: Is there an association?”, presented in 2019 at the annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award: Rachael Farina. Rachael Farina has excelled as a TA for HDFS 1060 (Close Relationships Across the Lifespan) and HDFS 2001 (Diversity Issues in HDFS). Reflecting her teaching philosophy goals of passion and flexibility, faculty and student recommenders described her dynamism and approachability.
Outstanding Instructor Award: Sumbleen Ali. Sumbleen Ali served as the instructor of record for HDFS 1060 (Close Relationships Across the Lifespan) across three semesters. A graduate of the College Instruction certificate program, she garnered high evaluations and praise for her patience with and compassion for her students.