Ph.D ’13 HDFS
Dr. Kate Kellett graduated summa cum laude from Saint Joseph University with a bachelors in Psychology and received her masters in Human Development/Gerontology in 2003, also from Saint Joseph. The following year, her educational journey continued at UConn where she began doctoral studies in HDFS/Gerontology. During her doctoral studies, Dr. Kellett held numerous graduate assistantships, received a Summer Research Specialist Award, a Graduate School Summer Fellowship Award, and a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. She also received a Graduate Certificate in College Instruction at UConn under Dr. Keith Barker. Dr. Barker’s dedication to graduate students and to the improvement of the teaching faculty sparked Dr. Kellett’s interest in course development and classroom instruction at the college level and beyond. For several years, she taught at UConn Hartford and UConn Waterbury. Currently, she teaches Clinical Research Design and Qualitative Research Methods to Geriatric Medicine Fellows in the Academic Leadership program at the UConn School of Medicine where she helps train students for leadership careers in geriatric medicine.
In addition to teaching during her doctoral studies, Dr. Kellett worked as a Clinical Research Associate at the Braceland Center for Mental Health and Aging, Institute of Living/Hartford Hospital. While there, she collaborated with several psychiatrists, psychologists, and research scientists to conduct mental health research. One of her first study projects involved assisting the Newington, CT police department with a probe into possible explanations for numerous cases of self-immolation that had occurred within a short period. This research led to other studies involving people with mental and behavioral health disorders. Dr. Kellett has worked at UConn Health Center on Aging since 2005. She collaborates with researchers at UConn and other institutions who are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of people with disabilities, and older adults and their families. She manages various research project teams and contributes to all aspects of the research process in furthering disability and aging policy, clinical geriatric research and education projects.
During the past 18 years, Dr. Kellett has belonged to various workgroups committed to pooling the efforts of CT state agencies and non-profit partners to bring help and hope to people with significant needs. Workgroups include: The CT Workgroup on Challenging Behaviors; The CT Older Adult Behavioral Health Workgroup, and most recently the CT Housing Engagement and Support Services (CHESS) Workgroup, an effort to bring coordinated healthcare and housing services to people with mental health, substance use and other health conditions.
Over the years, Dr. Kellett has authored many legislative, public policy, and health policy reports with colleagues. Some of these include:
Connecticut’s No Wrong Door Business Case Development: Veterans Community Based Services Pilot and Program (2019-2021)
Navigating Dementia: LiveWell’s Dementia Capability Project to Build the Abilities of People Living with Dementia, their Care Partners and Communities (2019-2022)
CT State Unit on Aging: National Family Caregiver and Connecticut Statewide Respite Care Program—Assessment Report (2017)
Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration Evaluation (2013-2018)
Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitative Services Needs Assessment (2010, 2013, 2022)
Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and Mental Health Pilot (2011)
Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Evaluation (2006-2011)
In 2003, Dr. Kellett began serving on the Board of the South/South West Elderly Housing Corporation, in Hartford, CT and since 2007 has been President. The Board oversees a 36-unit complex that provides low-income housing to older adults and people with disabilities.
Dr. Kellett is a longtime resident of Farmington, CT where she and her husband raised three children. She continues to enjoy her family, including two grandsons, and can often be found in the garden or enjoying a walk on area trails.