New grant for Charles Super & Sara Harkness through CHHD

Sara HarknessThe Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) was recently awarded a multi-million dollar grant from the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).  Professors Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super, Co- Directors of the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development (CHHD), will be doing the evaluation part of the project.

Below is the project description from OEC-

Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Innovation Award

Charles SuperThe Connecticut Office of Early Childhood will partner with community experts, institutions of higher education, and professionals in early childhood development and related fields to develop and retain a highly skilled MIECHV-funded home visiting workforce through an innovative video-based intervention designed to address the particular challenges of working with complex, multi-need families. Using a randomized control trial design, two versions of the intervention will be implemented and evaluated.

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