Professor Marlene Schwartz discusses school meals in UConn Today.
Charles Super and Sara Harkness awarded APA Division 52 Award
Meg Galante-DeAngeles, HDFS Faculty Spotlight, June 2022
Meg Galante-DeAngelis retired June 1, 2022 after 49 years as a member of the UConn community. From her first step onto campus to retirement, the University offered Meg the opportunity to follow the most elusive and wonderful of all dreams – to make a difference in the lives of others. Learning together with her students as they developed their passion for supporting each child to flourish as an individual has been a life’s work worth having. The question she often asks is, “What if everybody understood child development?”
Always more comfortable being a worker bee rather than the queen, Meg has tried to be the best member of the HDFS community that she could be. Her gratitude to her colleagues and students, past and present, is immeasurable. Her special thanks to the teachers and administrators, past and present, at the UConn Child Development Labs are twofold. She will be sustained by the wonder of days spent at the Child Labs in the company of children and will cherish the life-lasting gift of being seen and loved as individuals still enjoyed by her five children, all proud graduates of the Child Development Labs. Would that every child had this opportunity.
During her time at UConn, Meg was involved with the Child Labs in many ways – as undergraduate and graduate student, observer, learner and worker, in Infant/Toddler and Preschool Master Teacher positions, as Assistant Director/Program Coordinator, and as Faculty Advisor. Two of her proudest memories are working with Charlotte Madison to get the teachers at the Child Labs unionized and to design the CDL Infant Center. Meg has loved working with the other Early Childhood faculty who share her commitment to children. She is particularly interested in teacher preparation, advocacy for equity and social justice, quality care and education for infants and toddlers, and supporting first generation college students. She has taught every UConn Early Childhood Development and Education course. She and her colleagues help students develop active engagement in daily reflection and mindfulness that support best practice while recognizing self-care practices. Meg was recently recognized for her excellence by two awards: the HDFS Faculty Teaching Award and the UConn-AAUP – Career Teaching Excellence Award.
Meg’s career afforded her the opportunity to be around the amazing young people who choose Human Development and Family Sciences as their major. One of her favorite stories is about a student who, on an interview, was told, “You are like a unicorn. I did not know that people with the kind of early childhood training you have existed in the real world.” Well, they do exist and they are out there making a difference in the lives of children and families every day.
In retirement, Meg plans to enjoy beauty and quiet on an island off the coast of Maine punctuated by visits from her gregarious and growing family. She looks forward to volunteering in her local community, hiking, doing genealogical and historical research, and perfecting 18th and 19th century cooking and other period crafting techniques.
Laura Donorfio receives 2022 Clark Tibbitts Award
Congratulations to Associate Professor Laura Donorfio, winner of the 2022 Clark Tibbitts Award from the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE). This award is given to an individual or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of gerontology and/or geriatrics education.
Lisa Eaton receives CLAS 2022 Strategic Goal Award
Congratulations to Professor Lisa Eaton, winner of the CLAS 2022 Strategic Goal Award for Innovative Scholarship!
FS Undergrad Council hosts Social Sciences Career Night
On March 28th, the Family Sciences Undergraduate Council hosted a Social Sciences Career Night event. Ten career experts offered their time to 70 UConn students. The career experts included representatives from the fields of Marriage and Family (Emberleigh Luce, Jill Donohoue, Jennifer Anderson), advising (Kristin Van Ness ‘09 BA, ‘14 MA), entrepreneurship in real estate (Cheryl Hilton, ’91 HDFS), Early Childhood Education (Nancy Walsh), Career Development/Higher Education (Lisa Famularo), School Counseling (Wheeler Deangelis, ‘15), Social Work (Ashley Dyer ‘19), and the Juvenile Justine Judicial Branch (Catherine Foley, ’92 HDFS).
Many of the career experts that participated were UConn HDFS alumni—professionally, products the career experts have become widely recognized and accredited by the state of Connecticut, published novels, and have taught their own classes. Thanks to Ryan Watson, the faculty advisor, who helped the FSUC members organize the event!
Marlene Schwartz, HDFS Faculty Spotlight, May 2022
Marlene Schwartz is a Professor in HDFS and Director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health. She grew up Columbia, Maryland and graduated from Haverford College in Pennsylvania with a BA in Psychology in 1988. After college she moved back to Maryland and worked for two years as an RA in Marion Radke-Yarrow’s lab at the National Institute of Mental Health.
In 1990, Marlene moved to New Haven to begin graduate school in Clinical Psychology at Yale. Her first two years, she worked with Edward Zigler and participated in the Bush Center for Child Development and Social Policy. In her third year, she began working with Kelly Brownell and shifted her focus to the clinical treatment of eating disorder and obesity. She completed her pre-doctoral clinical internship at the Substance Abuse Treatment Unit at the Yale School of Medicine.
In 1996, Brownell hired Marlene as the Co-Director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, where she provided treatment for adults and children, and supervised graduate student and post-doctoral trainees. In the early 2000’s, there was a notable increase in the number of children with obesity who were presenting at the clinic. Marlene delivered family-based obesity treatments, but increasingly felt like her efforts to help families were undermined by the unhealthy food environment. She saw the power of food marketing and the lack of healthy options in schools as significant obstacles for her patients and decided to shift her research focus to documenting the poor nutritional quality of children’s cereals, restaurant “children’s meals,” and school food. Concurrently, her own children were in preschool and elementary school, so she also got involved as a parent in trying to make changes in these settings.
In 2006, Kelly Brownell asked Marlene to be the Deputy Director as he founded the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Marlene’s research focused on improving school nutrition environment. She collaborated with the Connecticut State Department of Education to assess school wellness policies and advocated for the 2006 law to remove beverage vending machines from schools. She developed an online Wellness School Assessment Tool (, which helps school districts comply with USDA regulations and has been used to code thousands of policies since 2010. Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative provided new opportunities to contribute to the national conversation, including a visit to the White House to celebrate the regulations that emerged from the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
In 2013, Marlene became the Director of the Rudd Center and in 2015, the Rudd Center moved to UConn to join InCHIP and set up offices in Hartford. Marlene joined HDFS where she teaches an undergraduate course, “Food and the American Family.” She continues to study school wellness policies and has expanded this work in collaboration with her Neag colleague, Sandy Chafouleas, to consider the whole child. She also has a second line of research on how to improve nutrition in the food banking system, which was inspired by her experience as a board member of the Connecticut Food Bank. Through this work she has developed an app that helps food bankers assess and track the nutritional quality of their inventory. Looking back, her favorite projects are ones that combine research, advocacy, and creating practical, data-driven tools for use in the field.
Cynthia Van Fleet wins CETL Outstanding Adjunct Award
Rebecca Puhl featured in BBC and NBC CT News
- Rebecca was interviewed by the BBC about weight discrimination in the workplace: Read the article here.
- Rebecca’s new study on parent-adolescent communication about weight was featured on NBC CT News on Monday April 11th, and by UConn Today: Read the article here.
Alaina Brenick wins AAUP Service Excellence Award
Congratulations to Associate Professor Alaina Brenick, winner of the AAUP Service Excellence Award! A virtual ZOOM ceremony will take place on Monday, April 25th at 12:00 pm. Any and all who wish to attend are welcome, and are asked to email Barbara Kratochvil to receive the ZOOM link.