Social Work

Social Worker

Career/Job Title

Mental Health/Medical Social Work (e.g. oncology social worker, gerontology social worker), Clinical Social Work (e.g. Child and Family Therapist), Community Social Work, Organizational Social Work, School Social Work Advocacy.

See National Association of Social Workers (NASW).

Potential Jobs

Hospitals/Health Services, Government Agencies, Criminal Justice System, Social Service Organizations, Corporations, Human Rights and Social Justice organizations, Community organizations, Schools, Colleges and Universities, Private Practice Administration/Supervision. See The Social Work Career Center

Recommended Courses Beyond HDFS

SOCI 1251: Social Problems, 3425: Social Welfare and Social Work, 3451: Sociology of Health, 3911:Communities
POLS 3212: Comparative Perspectives on Human Rights
PUBH 1001: Introduction to Public Health
URBN 2000: Introduction to Urban and Community Studies, 3276: Urban Problems, 3981: Internship in Urban Studies: Field Study
WGSS 2267: Women and Poverty, 3317: Women and Crime

Potential Internships/Fieldwork

URBN 3981 Internship in Urban Studies-Field Studies

Advanced Degrees

MSW with various credentials
LCSW License Clinical Social Worker
Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW)
Military Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families—Advanced Social Worker (MVF-ASW)
Clinical Social Worker in Gerontology (CSW-G)
Certified Clinical Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Social Worker (C-CATODSW)
Certified Advanced Children, Youth, and Family Social Worker (C-ACYFSW)
Certified Social Worker in Health Care (C-SWHC)
Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS)

Important Resources

National Association of Social Workers
Society for Social Work Research (SSWR)


Students have the opportunity to work under the supervision of professionals in their field of interest and integrate their classroom leaning with practical experience through the department’s fieldwork program. This is a great opportunity for students to explore potential career pathways in a hands on way and receive UConn credits at the same time!