Author: Janice Berriault

Child Labs training workshop offered at EASTCONN conference

Headshot, Marianne Legassey
Marianne Legassey

Marianne Legassey presented a training workshop to community childcare providers at the EASTCONN Annual Infant Toddler conference on March 7th. Marianne presented Trauma Informed Practices in Early Childhood. Christine Perkins, Child Labs Master Toddler Teacher and Kelly Clark, Child Labs Master Infant Teacher, presented a workshop at the conference. The workshop, cycle of Intentional Teaching for Sensory-Based Play with Infants and Toddlers, provided participants (infant and toddler center based teachers) opportunities to explore and create materials for their classrooms along with learning about intentional interactions with infants and toddlers.

HDFS faculty featured in UConn’s State of Impact report

Headshot. Marlene Schwartz
Rachel Chazan Cohen
Chazan Cohen
Headshot, Caitlin Lombardi

HDFS faculty featured in UConn’s report State of Impact! Specifically, Marlene Schwartz’s project in East Hartford schools to promote child health and wellbeing, and Rachel Chazan Cohen and Caitlin Lombardi’s work with CT child care centers and family child care homes were both highlighted in the report. Read the full report here, and find HDFS faculty work highlighted on page 24.