Author: Janice Berriault

Sarah Wen Warykas, HDFS Graduate Student Spotlight, November 2021

Sarah Wen WarykasSarah Wen attended the UConn Coordinated Dietetics Program, an accelerated program that provided internships consisting of clinical, foodservice, community nutrition, specialty, and research rotations. Sarah Wen graduated Magna Cum Laude and received her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics in 2019.

Shortly after graduating, Sarah Wen became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). That summer, she worked as a research technician for Dr. Christopher Blesso from the UConn Nutritional Sciences Department. In this role, she helped with mouse colitis studies and conducted polymerase chain reactions (PCR), among other tasks. In fall 2019, Sarah Wen started new research with Dr. Blesso, focusing on the effects of milk polar lipids (MPLs) on lipid and blood-related parameters such as VLDL, LDL and HDL Cholesterol levels. During her 2-year master’s program, she helped run a MPL clinical study and was the sole RDN for a plant-based clinical study, both within the UConn Nutritional Sciences Department. In addition to coursework and research, Sarah Wen completed a capstone project, The Effects of Dairy Product Consumption on Cardiovascular Disease. In addition, she co-authored a paper, Milk Polar Lipids: Underappreciated Lipids with Emerging Health Benefits, published in Nutrients. Furthermore, Sarah Wen received the Eastern States Exposition Graduate Student Scholarship in fall 2019.

While working on her master’s capstone project, Sarah Wen interned with the UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity under the supervision of Dr. Marlene Schwartz. During this internship, she worked on a project on the summer meal programs in CT, funded by the CT Department of Education. Sarah Wen participated in qualitative data collection that included individual interviews and off-site visits. Additionally, she worked with Dr. Caitlin Caspi from Allied Health Sciences on a Supporting Wellness at Pantries (SWAP) project. SWAP is a stoplight nutrition ranking system that assigns foods as red, yellow, or green depending on saturated fat, sodium, and sugar content, and was specifically designed for use within charitable food systems such as food pantries, to better rank overall food quality. Furthermore, Sarah Wen contributed to a National Institute of Health abstract regarding SWAP research.

Sarah Wen received a master’s in Nutritional Science in 2021 and then joined the HDFS program to work with Dr. Kim Gans. Sarah Wen’s current work focuses on qualitative and quantitative research to inform the design and evaluation of community nutrition interventions that target families and youth in settings like childcare and dental practices. These interventions help improve social and physical environments that influence children’s eating behaviors to prevent obesity, improve health and wellness, and reduce health disparities.

Sarah Wen is very excited to be a part of the HDFS PhD program and begin mixed methods research in community nutrition interventions!

Meital Sandbank, HDFS Alumni Spotlight, November 2021

Meital SandbankMeital Sandbank graduated with honors from The University of Connecticut in 2014. She majored in Human Development and Family Studies with a concentration in Early Childhood Development and Education. During her time at UConn, Meital worked at the Child Development Labs and was involved in Best Buddies Club and Human Development and Family Studies Club. She also participated in research investigating early signs of autism in infants. During her summers, Meital volunteered at Boston Children’s Hospital, working with Child Life Specialists. She also volunteered at Horizons for Homeless Children, helping organize playrooms in shelters for children experiencing homelessness.

Shortly after graduating UConn, Meital joined the team at Horizons for Homeless Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of young children in Massachusetts by providing high-quality early education, opportunities for play, and comprehensive family services.

Meital started her work at Horizons as an Early Education Teacher working with infants and toddlers. During her time there, she has advanced into her current position where she runs Horizons’ Infant Program. As part of this position, she oversees three classrooms with children ages two to fifteen months and supervises six teachers. Meital practices trauma-informed care as she works with children and families who are experiencing homelessness in Boston. She regularly uses her Spanish fluency to help improve communication with parents and children. She has given workshops to educators, started a music program for children, and is working to deepen Horizons’ work by creating a social/emotional evaluation scale for infants in partnership with Harvard University. Meital has presented at fundraising events and was awarded Horizons for Homeless Children’s Sue Heilman Award for Excellence.

Meital is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Boston University, hoping to continue working with children who have experienced trauma in a clinical, one-on-one setting.

Charles Super, HDFS Faculty Spotlight, November 2021


Charles M. SuperCharlie Super learned early in life that people in different places behave differently. He grew up in suburban New Jersey, but spent many summers with his mother’s parents in rural Georgia. His father, though American-born, grew up in Europe; Charlie had his own taste of Europe as a teenager, when the family spent a year in Paris.

After undergraduate education in conventional psychology at Yale, and graduate training in developmental psychology at Harvard’s interdisciplinary Social Relations department, Charlie thought he knew a great deal about the development of American children, but was unsure how much of that was relevant to children in other places; he wanted to live and work for an extended period in someplace very different. In the meantime, he had discovered True Love. He and Sara Harkness were married not long before she needed to do field work for her doctorate in Anthropology. The cooperative exchange program between Harvard and the University of Nairobi offered a perfect opportunity for both of them. With support from the Carnegie and W. T. Grant foundations, Charlie and Sara moved to a farming community in western Kenya. They lived there for three years and started their family among the Kipsigis peoples of Kokwet.

Returning to the U.S. offered many opportunities, but not academic jobs. Cambridge proved a good base for research grants, short-term teaching, consulting, and raising children in an urban, family-friendly environment. It also offered a window to re-engage in applied work; a stint working for the 1970 White House Conference on Children during graduate school had sharpened Charlie’s understanding of the need for scientifically informed interventions, and the time in rural Kenya had only expanded on that. In these Cambridge years, he worked with two large intervention programs for infant and child health, in Bangladesh and in Colombia, and completed the necessary training for licensure as a child-clinical psychologist.

The Harkness-Super family moved to Penn State in 1988 when both Charlie and Sara were offered tenured positions, Charlie as Head of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. In addition to initiation into academic administration and Land Grant values, central Pennsylvania also offered a remarkable clinical experience. State College, home to the university, is “centrally isolated”, as the locals say, smack in the middle of Appalachia. As the only doctoral-level child clinician in a four-county area, he saw a range of mental suffering and resilience unavailable in a Boston practice, everything from infant sleep problems to childhood dissociative identity disorder. There was also more field work during this period, this time in the Netherlands, and now as a family journey. It was a period of ethnographic discovery and intellectual adventure, setting the stage for a return visit four years later.

At the end of that second work in the Netherlands, Charlie and Sara accepted offers from the University of Connecticut. Charlie came as Dean of the School of Family Studies, and this presented an opportunity to advance his ideas on a culturally informed curriculum in the context of an institutional history that appreciated the interplay of theory and practice. For him, this combined the interdisciplinary vision of Social Relations and the use of knowledge exemplified in the Land Grant tradition. Over the next decade, HDFS became the largest undergraduate major at UConn, expanded to the Regional Campuses, began to weave culture and diversity into the fabric of its educational programs, eliminated cronyism in the faculty merit system, increased research funding six-fold and outside gifts ten-fold, founded the Family Studies Alumni Society and the Family Studies Advisory Board, and established two research and outreach Centers, a student Writing Center, HDFS’s own high-tech seminar room, the “Grad Lab,” and Lu’s Café. When the University reorganized in 2006, eliminating three Colleges, HDFS became a department in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Charlie returned to the faculty.

Research and writing have always been a vital part of Charlie’s academic life; in 2009 he and Sara shared the inaugural award for Cultural and Contextual Factors in Child Development of the Society for Research in Child Development. Two contributions lie at the center of their contributions; first, the developmental niche framework, derived directly from the African work. This theoretical construct helps identify how “culture” shapes early development, including gross motor skills, sleep, play, emotions, language, responsibility, and intelligence.  The second contribution stems in part from the realization that theoretical understanding of parental ethnotheories – culturally shared beliefs and values about children and the family — was still weak. Research started in Cambridge came to fruition in the Dutch fieldwork and its sequel, the International Study of Parents Children and Schools, which explored variation within Europe and its diaspora, working with colleagues from sites in Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Australia, and the U.S. A further follow-up – the International Baby Study –advanced our understanding of how differences in the developmental niche in samples of U.S. and Dutch infants lead to dramatic differences in sleep (a two-hour difference at 6 months) and the related biology of arousal. A book specifically on parental ethnotheories (edited by Harkness and Super) brought the niche framework to a broad audience of developmentalists and psychological anthropologists. The concepts are now widely used in research on culture and child development.

The importance of action continues as a theme in Charlie’s academic and personal life. Through the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development (which he co-directs), Charlie helps oversee the National Family Development Credential Program, a nation-wide training that annually certifies about 1,000 front-line family workers in supportive and empowerment skills. He is Principal Investigator on a series of contracts with the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood to provide evaluations of this and other interventions. On the leadership front, he has recently rotated off eight years of service on the U.S. National Committee for Psychological Science, organized by the National Research Council at the National Academy of Sciences. In that role he co-organized two national conferences on the issues facing the discipline in a globalizing world. He continues to serve on the Credentials Committee for the International Union of Psychological Sciences.

Outside his professional life, Charlie chairs the Woodstock Democratic Town Committee, enjoys being a husband, father, and grandfather, and occasionally plays ragtime piano.

Alumna Leslie Torres-Rodriguez panelist in ThisIsAmerica webinar

Dr. Leslie Torres-RodriguezDr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez (’97 HDFS, ’00 MSW) will be featured in a ThisIsAmerica webinar hosted by Neag and UConn Alumni, on the topic of Critical Race Theory in Schools. She is a superintendent in the Hartford Public Schools. Learn more: